Category: Ownership

Selling Your Perfect Horse
Buying and Selling Horse

Selling Your Perfect Horse: A Comprehensive Guide

Selling Your Perfect Horse: Selling a horse can be an emotional and complicated procedure. Whether you are a pro...

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Selling Your Perfect Horse
Buying and Selling Horse

A Guide to Successfully Selling Your Perfect Horse

Selling Your Perfect Horse: Selling a horse can be a significant milestone in a horse owner’s journey. Whether you...

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Popular Horse Names
Buying and Selling Horse

Exploring Popular Horse Names

Naming a horse is an essential part of the bond between horse and owner. It’s a reflection of their...

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Essential Tips for Equestrians
Buying and Selling Horse

Preparing Your Horse for a Safe Landing: Essential Tips for Equestrians

Equestrian sports require a deep bond between horse and rider, as well as careful preparation to ensure the safety...

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Photos of Horses
Buying and Selling Horse

7 Quick Tips: How to Take Conformation Photos of Horses

Capturing high-quality conformation photos of horses is essential for various purposes, including sales, evaluations, and documentation. These photos provide...

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Legal Matte
Buying and Selling Horse

Navigating Legal Matters in the Equestrian World

Legal Matters: The equestrian world, with its long-standing traditions and passionate community, is not without its legal considerations. Horse...

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Making a Smooth Departure When Boarding Your Horse
Boarding Barn

Making a Smooth Departure When Boarding Your Horse

When it comes to boarding a horse, it’s not just about the arrival—it’s also about making a graceful exit....

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Steer Clear of Equine Legal Challenges
Boarding Barn

Steer Clear of Equine Legal Challenges

When it comes to the equestrian world, legal issues can quickly gallop into your life if you’re not careful....

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Horse Boarding: A Comprehensive Guide for Horse Owners
Boarding Barn

Horse Boarding: A Comprehensive Guide for Horse Owners

Owning a horse brings immense joy and fulfillment, but it also comes with a great deal of responsibility. Properly...

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Outsmarting Rising Costs at Equestrian Competitions
Boarding Barn

Outsmarting Rising Costs at Equestrian Competitions

As the equestrian community continues to face the challenge of rising costs at horse shows, finding smart strategies to...

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